Monday, September 15, 2008

Running, or, Not Dying of Boredom While Running

I'm training for the CIM (California International Marathon), which means I can't skip a necessary run. Saturday was one of the rare occasions when none of my running buddies were available and I had to do 10 miles by myself. Listening to music wasn't working for me, but luckily, I had some 1948 Sam Spade radio mysteries on my ipod (doesn't everyone?). Yeah, pretty geeky, but they were so entertaining, it was my easiest 10-mile run ever.

Anyway, when I got home, I added some podcasts for next time, and also found this great website. It's run by volunteers, and their goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. They have books in 10 different languages. If you're looking for current literature, this is not the place to go, but for catching up on all the books you wrote papers on in college but never read, or practicing your foreign language skills, it's great. And by the way, if you're interested, you can volunteer as a reader.

Speaking of podcasts, my daughter works for the BYU Writing Center. They have a new weekly podcast about language and composition. It's still in the "coming soon" stages, but it should start in the next week or two, so check it out.


tenacious d said...

I'm going to have to try that. My current round of music is getting old.

Jeff said...

I need to try that! Long runs are never-endings when you're alone. Good idea.

Rachel said...

Yes! A writing center plug! When did you start updating your blog? Did I tell you I have one?