Sunday, September 28, 2008

Paul Newman

Paul Newman died.,0,2676793.story I think the world is a little bit sadder place today because he's not here, but it's also a much better place because he was here. I discovered him when I was 17 and saw The Sting at the BYU Varsity Theatre. I went because Robert Redford was in it, and he was hot. But about halfway through, I started noticing the other guy. He was pretty hot, too, for one thing. He looked like he was always thinking about a really good joke. I've watched the poker scene a million times, but I still love every minute, and it seems like he thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. Off screen he did some amazing things, but he didn't make a big deal about himself--he was married for 50 years, raised 6 children, drove race cars, and founded a successful charity. He lived a full life doing what he wanted to do and being good to people along the way. This week, I'm having a Paul Newman film festival.


tenacious d said...

Wish I was there for the festival. I miss Paul Newman, also.

Jeff said...

I watched Cool Hand Luke last night and it was everything I hoped it would be.

Rachel said...

You have a disturbing amount of hot actors mentioned on your blog.