Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I finally saw Dark Knight last weekend. It was very dark and the joker was horrific, but I liked it a lot. Heath Ledger is amazing. I keep wondering what incredible roles he would have created if he had lived a long time. I love that he took so many risks. Christian Bale is great, too, but I still prefer Michael Keaton. He is such a hot Batman. Harvey Dent was perfect. I love superhero movies.

Anyway, thinking about Heath Ledger got me started on a new top 10 list (new for me, anyway)--riveting performances in a movie. This is different from an amazing scene, or from a great ensemble performance. It's a performance by an actor (or actress) where you are mesmerized every time they appear onscreen. The quality of the movie is not relevant, and it doesn't count if they're riveting just because they're so good-looking! So far I've come up with the following, in no particular order, but I'd love to hear some other opinions.

Heath Ledger in Dark Knight
Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men
Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean
Marlon Brando in Streetcar Named Desire, On the Waterfront, and The Godfather
Roberto Benigni in Life is Beautiful
Vivien Leigh in Gone With the Wind

1 comment:

tenacious d said...

Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood is my pick for Most Compelling Performance.